Sick of Toyota's "Saved by Zero" ad? You're not alone.
Even The Fixx doesn't care for it. And their song stars in the spot.
"It's a bit cheesy," the Fixx's Cy Curnin told the Las Vegas Sun when asked about the tune's use to promote 0 percent financing.
It's more than a bit annoying, say many others. And they're saying it in droves—on social networks like Facebook and on blogs like buzzfeed.com, which pronounced, "That 'Saved by Zero' Toyota commercial is driving everyone crazy."
As of Thursday night, the "Stop Playing Toyota's 'Saved by Zero' Commercial" group on Facebook boasted 5,141 members. The group's description states, in part: "Never before has a commercial this bad been aired so much."
The overkill may come from the fact the campaign has run both in national and local TV spots (usually car advertisers use different national and local campaigns).
Toyota Motor Sales executives said the campaign has increased showroom traffic.
"It's a very catchy tune that sticks in people's heads," said Cindy Knight, marketing communications manager for Toyota. "We're staying aware of the criticism but it hasn't changed our plans."
While the campaign isn't going away yet, you may see less of it. Toyota's national rotation of the ad stopped Nov. 9.
Material: chicagotribune.com