From side-line.com: Soft Cell founder Dave Ball has revealed details of the debut single from his new band Celine and Nite Wreckage. The band, which has Ball on programming duties alongside singer Celine Hispiche, will release their debut single "Popabawa" digitally on Alaska Sounds on September 6. Legendary Human League, Stranglers and Buzzcocks producer Martin Rushent worked on the single. The Evolution? Revolution! album is set to follow in early 2011.
A "cutting-edge collaboration between electro pioneer Dave Ball and feisty newcomer Celine Hispiche, Celine and Nite Wreckage are what punk rock might have sounded like - had it been invented in the East End of Victorian London."
Ball said, "As soon as I met Celine I saw we shared a mutual interest in the parallels between London today and the London of the past 300 years - especially the seamier side!" He continued, "I immediately liked the idea of fusing my modern electronic music with her love of Hogarth and music hall."
Photo: side-line.com
Quote: Celine and Nite Wreckage